Staying Healthy in Your Busy World

Eating healthy for one person might mean illness or death for another person. The key to eating healthy is always first knowing what your body is allergic to and what your body reacts well to. So no one can say that eating this or that is healthy for everyone because everyone has different allergies or reactions to certain foods. The writer of this article is not a doctor or professional counselor so I suggest that you consult a doctor or professional before changing any of your eating habits or before changing your diet. This article is for information purposes only and not to take the place of any professional counseling. Only do what is safe and healthy for you.

White Ladder Shelf

These are some suggestions for eating healthy:

White Ladder Shelf

Eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Supplement your diet with good fruit juices. Refrain from smoking or doing damaging self-destruction actions (Refrain from illegal drug abuse and alcohol abuse). Take a good multi-vitamin and take needed supplements as recommended by your doctor or nutritionist. Drink lots of water (but do not overdo it). Drink the healthy water (nothing added). Some flavored waters are good but you need to check ingredients and see that there are no extra additives that you do not need. Leave the smoke to the chimneys and avoid smokers. Do not allow smoking in your apartment, home, or in your presence. If someone begins smoking near you, walk away and explain later. You owe no one explanations when it comes to you breathing in clean, fresh air. There is one more thing that will keep you healthy and I will explain that towards the end of the article. If you must eat meat, have a few meatless days each and every week. Even those that cannot be vegetarians can be healthier if they refrain at least two or three days a week from eating meat. Read! Yes, read to stay healthy! Read positive books. Read books by Wayne W Dyer; read Mr. Rogers, Read Og Mandino. Read hobby books about art, photography, tennis, exercise, and hundreds of other topics.
Everything you do each day affects your health and your well-being. As you begin to eat better, you will notice that you will sleep better and you will think better. So, begin a short, slow exercise program if you do not have one. A program can be a simple thing such as beginning a walk every day around your block and expanding from there. If you can afford to join a gym then do that. During the summer, go to the parks where they have the exercise bars (for adults), and do your walking program there.

Watch good, healthy television programs:

Take in only what brings you good health. If you find yourself feeling bad after a certain television program and you want to feel better, then make it a rule for you that you will not watch that show that gives you bad feelings.

Remove negative spirits from your life:

Last but never least, one of the most easiest ways to stay healthy is to remember that you are a wonderful person ,and therefore, leave outside of your body, mind and soul any remarks from lesser persons. Staying healthy physically means that you need to be healthy in emotions also. So, get rid of all the emotionally unhealthy things besides taking the physically unhealthy actions, foods or drinks out of your life. In other words, if there are bullies in your life, or if there are people who were trying to control you, whether those be verbal or physical abusers or just plain ignorant people who have nothing better to do, remember that it is not important what they think, not important what they do and not important how they feel or what they say. The sooner you put negative people out of your life and out of your world, the sooner you will be happier. Taking abuse out of your life is one of the sure-fire ways to relieve stress. So, remember that at all times, and just say no to abuse -of any kind, including to verbal abuse. Verbal abuse is the beginning of domestic violence.

Add Great Emotional Health To Your Day: There is a way to combat all of the negative things that you see or hear or experience in one day or week. It is simple to do, and most times it is free. This remedy is available to you , any time of day or night. Looking for such a solution? Read. Yes, that is the answer, just read. Go to your library and get some of these books to help you conquer the incoming negativity that you might experience in large cities across America, and across the globe:

The Sky's The Limit - Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D. Your Erroneous Zones - Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D. Born To Win - (Do the research online to find this book). The Feeling Good Book - (Research it). The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz God Is In Control - Charles Stanley
Using these books as your weekly reading material can help change your world into a world with unlimited possibilities. Check out any one of those books and you will see a life-changing experience happen right in front of your eyes. You will feel better and you will begin to eliminate negative vibes, thoughts, words and actions from your own lifestyle.

That is another way of staying healthy in your very, busy world.

For the record, if you want to copy this article, you must leave the article intact and give credit to this website and to the original author (me) who wrote the article. See the resource information below to obtain more information about the author of this article.

Last, but not least, one of the best ways to stay healthy is to stay out of nursing homes and physical rehabilitation and care centers. I have discovered, through a friend, that some of these places are making the residents more ill than they were when they entered the places. So, prepare your life in such a way that you do not have to end up in a nursing home or in a physical rehabilitation and care center.

Here are some helpful hints:

Be careful of falls, because that is the way that many wind up in those places. Never overreach on a ladder, and be careful where you walk. Go slow. Nature tells us, as we age, to go slow. Many falls and accidents happen solely because the person was in a hurry. So, slow down. Eat healthy and maintain healthy habits. Do not smoke or stop smoking. Do not abuse alcohol or drugs. Using these guidelines will make you healthier. Use all the at-home aids you can use to avoid nursing homes. For example, make sure that you have your glasses, hearing aids and other home-health aids at your side. Buy a grippers, a "Gopher" to help you reach things on high shelves. Doing this helps you avoid falls from ladders. Have a cellular phone even if you think that you do not need one. If necessary, if you have major medical problems and you live at home, use a lifeline service to help you.
Do whatever you can legally do to stay out of rehabilitation and care centers and out of nursing homes. You will be healthier and happier if you can live your life without these places. Go slow, pay attention to your life and your health. Do it for you.

Staying Healthy in Your Busy World
White Ladder Shelf

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